Klamath Falls News

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Fairgrounds following Governor mandate, canceling events of 250+ people

File photo, Klamath County Fairgrounds Office (Image: Brian Gailey)

This notice is being provided to you on behalf of the Klamath County Fair Board.

On March 12, 2020, Governor Brown mandated that events with 250 people and over be canceled in an effort to slow the progression of the COVID-19 virus. The Klamath County Fairgrounds / Event Center is taking all developments concerning the COVID-19 virus (Coronavirus) very seriously.

Due to Governor Brown’s mandate, we are currently in the process of canceling large events of 250+ participants previously scheduled at the Fairgrounds / Event Center within a period of four weeks (March 12, 2020, through April 5, 2020). It is important to understand that this pandemic could result in cancellations beyond this date if mandated by the Governor’s Office or health officials; however, notification will be provided if this becomes the case.

The hope is that this Governor’s Mandate will protect our community and business partners against infection. The Fair Board will continue to monitor this situation and, of course, will be in discussion with health authorities and government leaders.

The Klamath County Fairgrounds / Event Center will always make every attempt to ensure the highest possible degree of community safety.

For event cancellation details, please contact the specific event coordinator, or refer to our website. www.kcfairgrounds.org.

Source: Klamath County Fairgrounds