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Event to highlight Perseid meteor shower

The Fort Klamath Museum will be the site for a gathering to view the Perseid meteor shower on Aug. 11.

FORT KLAMATH, Ore. - A gathering to view the annual Perseid meteor shower will be held Tuesday, Aug. 11, at the Fort Klamath Museum. The event is free. Participants are encouraged to arrive around 9 p.m. at the museum located along Highway 62 about 35 miles north of Klamath Falls.

The meteor shower produces so-called “shooting stars” during early August every year. The event peaks Aug. 11 through 13.

“We invite people to travel to Fort Klamath because the skies are very dark at that location,” said museum manager Todd Kepple. “Even faint meteors that would probably not be noticeable in town can be easily seen there.”

Glare from even a single street light can diminish conditions considerably. The most meteors are likely to be seen in the early-morning hours, although the moon will rise after midnight, making it harder to see meteors.

Telescopes will be available for viewing planets and deep-sky objects. Smoke may limit visibility somewhat, but the event will take place regardless.

“A good way to watch for meteors is to stretch a blanket out on the grass, then just lie back and enjoy the view,” Kepple said.

Participants are advised to bring warm clothing, as temperatures drop rapidly after nightfall. Insect repellent is also advised.

For more information, contact the Klamath County Museum at (541) 882-1000.

Source: Klamath County Museum.

I have attended this event and it is a lot of fun. If you have caught yourself looking up at the stars at any time in your life then this event is for you. It is enjoyed by kids of all ages, except maybe the youngest that might need to already be in bed.

A couple of tips:

  • Bring a couple of blankets.
    One for the ground to lay on, at least one to snuggle in.

  • Bring warm clothing.
    The air at the Museum will get chilly and humid after the sunsets. So bring a hoodie or jacket for warmth.

  • Bring your own food.
    There will most likely not be any food vendors so, bring light snacks to enjoy, in your car, or while snuggled with your loved ones.

  • Red color flashlights are essential.
    At the Museum it is really dark from about 10 PM on, and I am sure you will need to find your way to the bathroom, a telescope or just to stretch your legs. It may be tempting to use a regular white flashlight or even your phone to find your way. But a red flashlight will help you keep your dark night vision.

  • Night vision.
    No, I am not talking about military tools, I am referring to the dilation of your eyes to see the night sky. It takes anywhere from 10-30 minutes for your eyes to adjust to the darkness after seeing bright white light. Use a red flashlight to navigate and you will be able to keep your dilation to see those meteors.

This is a great fun family adventure that I always enjoy, and the Fort Klamath Museum is a good safe place to enjoy and learn and observe the meteor shower.