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Election 2018: The Good. The Bad. The Ugly.

Volunteers at the Klamath County Clerks Office prepare ballots to be counted. November 6, 2018 (Brian Gailey)

As of 8:49am (11/7/18) 1.87 million Oregonians, nearly 68% of the eligible voting population voiced their opinion in the mid-term election on Tuesday. Nearly 64% of Klamath County voters (28,519) returned ballots. Key issues and positions are likely responsible for the higher than average turnout - Oregon Governor, grocery tax, abortion funding, recreational pot, and the City of Klamath Falls Council Position Ward 5 to name a few.

Results are not yet official and will continue to be updated for the next several hours/days. However, some strong results are already in.

The good - A large turnout of voters for a mid-term election. Over 68% as of Wednesday morning.

The bad - A handful of precincts in Multnomah County dictate the entire Governor’s Race. Win Portland, Win Oregon.

The ugly - Oregon is divided and it is not just Ducks and Beavers. The population centers, counties, are fully divided though this state. Many in rural Oregon feel they have no voice against Portland on what matters to them most. Many in Portland feel rural Oregon is their backyard and want to protect it. This election has further drawn a deeper line in the sand.

Key Results

Oregon Governor - Kate Brown
Kate Brown has been re-elected by the State of Oregon to serve in Salem for the next 4 years. Brown defeated Republican challenger Knute Buehler by as little as 91,220 statewide votes. Although Buehler leads in all but seven Oregon Counties. Brown was able to secure the votes where it mattered most to her campaign, Multnomah County.

In Multnomah County, specifically the precincts of the City of Portland, Brown captured 178,000 more votes than Buehler.

US Representative, District 2 - Greg Walden
Greg Walden will continue to serve Eastern Oregon in the Nations Capital. Walden secured his victory by coming out on top in all but two counties in his district. Edging his opponent by nearly 62,000 votes. Jamie McLeod-Skinner narrowly leads Walden in Deschutes County by a margin of 628 votes. McLeod-Skinner also holds a lead in Walden’s home county of Hood River with 3,039 votes.

Oregon State Representative, District 56 - E. Werner Reschke
Southern Klamath and Lake Counties have spoken strongly about Republican, Libertarian, and Independent incumbent E. Werner Reschke. Reschke will retain his seat at the Oregon House of Representatives following a large victory over Democrat opponent Taylor Tupper. Reschke holds a 44% point lead over Tupper.

Klamath Falls City Council, Ward 5 - Todd Andres
There will be a new name tag in Klamath Falls City Council Chambers next year as Todd Andres looks to defeat Bill Adams for the Ward 5 seat. Andres currently holds a 11.65% point lead over Adams for the Ward 5 position.

“I am humbled by the support I received by the voters of Ward 5. I look forward to work hard for ALL the citizens in the Ward and proudly represent you,” says Andres. “I thank Councilman Adams for a well run and respectful campaign. His service to our city deserves our utmost appreciation and respect.”

Last night Andres held an election night party at Gaucho Collective in Klamath Falls, where he thanked people within Ward 5, his campaign team, and his family for their support during the election.

18-111 Klamath County Museum Tax - Passing
The Klamath County Museum has secured tax payer funding for five more years following a large turnout in favor for the museum.

18-112 Recreational Marijuana in the City of Klamath Falls - Passing
54.13% of voters within the City of Klamath Falls has said they want to see recreational marijuana available for sale in the city limits. This was a highly contested issue within Klamath Falls. A PAC backed by Sky Lakes Medical Center, KCEDA, Klamath Works, and other prominent community leaders fought against the team pushing to legalize the sale of pot in the city.

The anti-pot PAC raised nearly 4.5 times the campaign funding than Klamath Strong.

Vehicles line up to drop off ballots behind the Klamath County Government Center. KFN was Live at the ballot box drop point where a steady stream of cars drove through voicing their opinion. Watch at http://bit.ly/2zzNnnc November 6, 2018 (Brian Gailey)

Election Results for Contested Klamath County Races

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Full Election Results

Klamath County
State of Oregon

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