Klamath Falls News

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Editorial: 7 Things You May Not Know About Klamath Falls News

Editorial by, Brian Gailey, Publisher & Owner of Klamath Falls News

I am proud and thankful to have each and every one of you following along the journey of Klamath Falls News (KFN) and what it has become in the last 19-months. We have grown from small humble beginnings to now reaching all around the globe.

In recent months we have gained many new friends, followers, and subscribers on our platforms. Many who may not really know who we are and what we do here at Klamath Falls News.

Here are seven things (in no particular order) you might not have known about Klamath Falls News.

1) Independent

Klamath Falls News is an independently owned news brand, all run by just one man with the help from his family. Most other news organizations are owned by large national companies. They have dozens of employees and a lot of money to back their efforts. KFN, on the other hand, is a small mom-and-pop family run news company telling the stories of the Klamath Basin. 

Because of our size we cannot be everywhere, and cover everything, but we are a part of this community just like you. Klamath Falls News is not traditional news media, we tell it, from the middle, from all sides, allowing you to make your own informed decisions.

Business Pages on Facebook track all sorts of analytics. One feature is “Pages to Watch” where it can compare a page to other pages of similar interest. The comparative results are from the previous seven days. Shown here, are analytics for Feb. 11-17, 2019. Thanks to our friends like you, this one man operation is keeping pace with the big dog that has dozens of talented employees, resources, and money.

2) Business Spotlight

Klamath Falls News offers, what we call the Business Spotlight. It is an opportunity for businesses to showcase their products, employees and facilities through a non-promotional live tour of the business.

Many may not know, but we offer up to four of these business tours monthly. These tours can be a lot of fun and are interesting and entertaining. However, they are not for marketing a business. They are for telling your business story. 

3) Local News, Global Reach

On average, Klamath Falls News receives one million impressions monthly with our coverage of news, weather and sports from the Klamath Basin. Most of our audience is located right here, yet, our reach extends beyond the geographical boundaries of the Basin.

Klamath Falls News has global impact.

We have friends all over reading news of the Klamath Basin. Just on Facebook alone, 10 percent of our audience is from outside the United States and speaks a primary language other than English.

4) Deep Rooted

Klamath Falls News has roots that go back 100-years in the Klamath Basin. Previous forms of KFN include the Pioneer Press, Klamath Courier, Butte Valley Star and Lost River Star newspapers.

5) Morning Update

Are you a morning news reader? Did you know that Klamath Falls News provides a daily news update emailed directly into your email inbox? The Morning Update is automatically sent out, every morning at 7:00 AM, and contains the previous day’s news that was published on KlamathFallsNews.org.

Subscribe to the Morning Update HERE.

6) Your Opinion Matters

Klamath Falls News also has an opinion section for Commentary and Letters to the Editor, allowing for anyone to have content published on KFN.

Commentary, are professionally written pieces of no more than 1000 words that present an argument and use research to support a stated opinion.

Letters to the Editor (LTTE) can be written by anyone who wants to share a published opinion. LTTE’s are limited to 350 words and can be written for a variety of reasons, but must be tied to an existing published story on KlamathFallsNews.org.

Please note all submissions of Commentaries or LTTE’s are reviewed, but are not guaranteed to be published.

If you wish to submit a Commentary visit HERE.
If you wish to submit a Letter to the Editor visit HERE.

7) Social Media

In addition to KlamathFallsNews.org, KFN publishes content to all your favorite Social Media platforms. Each platform has a different purpose and therefore has different items published to it. For comprehensive coverage from KFN be sure to follow, like, and subscribe on all the following platforms.

BONUS: VIP Membership

KFN has partnered with Patreon to honor a VIP Members only service.

Hold on, I can hear you now. “Nope, never, no way, I am not paying for the news.” I agree with you one hundred percent! Unlike other places, our news service will always be free.

Think of our VIP Membership like a tip jar.

Often consumers tip when they are happy with a service they received such as; a haircut, dining out, pizza delivery, or car wash. The VIP Membership is a way to add a few bucks automatically, every month, in the KFN tip jar. Learn more.

Brian Gailey, Publisher
Klamath Falls News