Klamath Falls News

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'Earthshine' Astronomy Event Offered

Crescent Moon and Earthshine. ESO Flickr

Klamath Falls, Ore. – A star party focusing on the moons of Earth and Jupiter will be offered Saturday evening, June 16, at Steen Sports Park.

The astronomy event sponsored by the Klamath County Museum will begin at nightfall, or around 9 p.m.

“We’ll see some fantastic earthshine on the moon. It’s a very fascinating sight, to see a thin sliver of the moon lit by the sun, with the dark side of the moon glowing in light reflected off the Earth,” said museum manager Todd Kepple.

“The moon will be visible in the early evening, but it will be after 10 o’clock before it’s dark enough to get a good look at more distant objects, such as the moons circling Jupiter,” he added.

Participants are encouraged to bring binoculars or telescopes if they have them. Families with children are welcome.

In the event of cloudy weather, the event will be rescheduled for a later date.

For more information, call the Klamath County Museum at (541) 882-1000.

Press release provided from the Klamath County Museum.