Klamath Falls News

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Dogs Demonstrate Agility at Fairgrounds

For two weeks dogs have taken over the fairgrounds.  Last weekend it was the Klamath Dog Fanciers 67th Annual Klamath Dog Show.  This past weekend the Klamath Dog Fancier returned with Agility Trials.

“Most dogs naturally love to run, climb, jump and turn. Agility trials are a great chance for them to show off these inherent skills and, at the same time, work closely with their favorite teammates –their owners and handlers,” states the Klamath Dog Fanciers website [www.klamathdogfanciers.org]

The website continues, “As they scamper over foot bridges and A-frames, through hoops and over jumps, the dogs are constantly alert to the verbal cues and body language of their owners and handlers. It’s the epitome of teamwork. The agility trials feature as many as 18-20 obstacles that the dog has to complete in the sequence stipulated by the judge.”

The next series of Agility Trials hosted by the Klamath Dog Fanciers will be October 12-14, 2018.  More information can be found on their website - http://www.klamathdogfanciers.org/


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