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City Schools to begin offering in person learning for kindergarten and first grade students [UPDATED]

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UPDATED, October 29, 2020

“Dear Parents, Klamath County already has 21 new cases of COVID-19 this week, which pushes us over the K-3 required limit for the week. Hopefully, the new metrics coming out will change these limits,” said Dr. Paul Hillyer, Superintendent of the Klamath Falls City School District.

KFCS Limited in-person instruction Q&A. Click for larger

KLAMATH FALLS, Ore. - The Klamath Falls City Schools have announced they will begin in-person learning for kindergarten and first-grade students beginning October 26, 2020. Students will attend two 90-minute sessions per week on either Monday/Tuesday or Thursday/Friday.

In-person session times will be offered mornings beginning at 9:00 AM or afternoons beginning at 1:00 PM.

These in-person sessions will provide additional support in Math and Reading, which students are learning in Comprehensive Distance Learning (CDL). Students are expected to continue with CDL as these sessions will not be a replacement, but rather an enhancement.

Transportation will be provided for eligible students. Schools will notify families regarding session scheduling.

Preschool Promise

Contact Dena Haudenshild at 541-883-4700 if you have questions about Preschool Promise with Klamath Falls City Schools. In-person learning begins on October 26th! It's free for families who qualify, breakfast and lunch served, awesome staff, great facility, Monday-Thursday from 8:30 AM - 2:30 PM! Children must have turned 3 years old by September 1st. Join us!!