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City of Klamath Falls and KFDA award $145k in downtown facade improvement grants

The City of Klamath Falls and Klamath Falls Downtown Association (KFDA) are pleased to announce the award of $145,000 in grant funding to local property owners to encourage investment in downtown-area properties.

The City of Klamath Falls successfully awarded façade and building grants in past years. They partnered with KFDA this year to better leverage both groups’ funding allocations ($15,000 from KFDA and $130,000 from the City). “By partnering with KFDA, we were able to stretch the dollars further and encourage additional interest through KFDA’s network,” said Joe Wall, City of Klamath Falls Planning Manager.

Applicants were originally notified of the program through a request for letters of interest issued late last year. After initial review by the selection committee to gauge the level of interest, an open application was made available to all that wished to apply.

The committee received 17 applications requesting a total of $574,000 in support of nearly $1.5 million in total project costs.

Darin Rutledge, KFDA Executive Director, was enthusiastic about interest in the program. “What’s most encouraging to me is how many property owners are ready to invest in the downtown area through revitalization of their properties,” said Rutledge. “With these awards, we’ll be supporting almost $300,000 in revitalization projects in the downtown area. That’s good for our downtown businesses, for our property owners, and for the local contractors that are hired to do the work.”

Grant awardees and associated properties are:

  • Mike Angeli 330 S 7th Street

  • Becky Chase 229 S 6th Street

  • Thomas Jewell 729/733 Main Street

  • AnneMarie Kessler 1221 Main Street

  • Mike/Scott McKay 1012 Main Street

  • Cheryl Matchett 900 Main Street

  • Lori Reeves 221 Main Street

  • Jenny Walle 119 S 8th Street

The grant awards were officially approved by City Council at its March 18 meeting.

The awards require a 50% total project match from the property owner, and funds will be reimbursed only after completion of the entire scope of work.

Applicants were reviewed and selected by a committee of KFDA representatives, City staff, and at-large community members representing lending, real estate, property owners, architects, and developers.

Press release provided from the Klamath Falls Downtown Association.