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Chiloquin company earns ODF Merit Award

The following is a press release from the Oregon Department of Forestry.

CHILOQUIN, Ore. – Chiloquin Lawn Care based in Klamath County earned an Award of Merit last month from one of three regional advisory committees to the Oregon Board of Forestry.

The same committee awarded the Operator of the Year title for Eastern Oregon to La Grande-based forest consultant Chuck Sarrett of Full Circle Consulting. F and B Logging was named Operator of the Year for Northwest Oregon and R and R King Logging secured the Southwest Oregon Operator of the Year honors. 

The award program recognizes forest operators who, while harvesting timber or doing other forestry work, protect natural resources at a level that consistently meets or goes above and beyond requirements of the Oregon Forest Practices Act*. That law requires people to manage forests responsibly and protect streams and water quality, protect and enhance habitat, and reduce landslide risks. The law also requires landowners to replant forests after harvesting. 

Videos about each of the three Operators of the Year and three Merit Award winners can be viewed on the ODF website at https://www.oregon.gov/odf/Working/Pages/default.aspx

Jesse Brewer owns Chiloquin Lawn Care. After wildfires around Chiloquin threatened many of his neighbors’ properties, he invested in brush-removal equipment and began helping small landowners in rural Klamath County remove overgrown brush. 

Jesse Brewer, owner of Chiloquin Lawn Care, earned an Award of Merit from an advisory committee to the Oregon Board of Forestry recently. (submitted photo)

Natural Resource Specialist Jennifer Case works out of ODF’s Klamath Falls office. She said, “Jesse’s work has reduced fire danger on properties in and around Chiloquin. By reducing overcrowding, he’s made remaining trees healthier and less prone to drought. He was recognized for one particular brush clearance job which also involved protecting an aspen grove for wildlife. He offers an invaluable service for small landowners whose brush removal projects might not be large enough to interest bigger logging firms.” 

ODF Forest Resources Division Chief Josh Barnard said, “The honorees this year innovated to protect water quality, and helped landowners be able to improve the health of their forests and reduce the risk of catastrophic wildfire through careful management planning. They have shown extraordinary care and diligence in challenging harvesting situations. We’re pleased to recognize the community spirit and leadership these operators have shown.”

Wolfco Timber Services was also recognized this year with an Award of Merit by the Eastern Oregon committee for an economically risky salvage harvest in central Oregon near Sisters in the wake of the devastating Green Ridge Fire.

*Oregon enacted the Forest Practices Act in 1971 as a national model for forest management laws. The law focuses on ensuring responsible forest operations and protecting natural resources in forestland. The Act has been updated many times based on new scientific information and values to create a balanced approach to natural resource management.