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Chamber congratulates school districts on reopening schools

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“We know the changing metrics coming down from the State has made it more difficult for our school districts to come up with a plan and we appreciate the district’s continued efforts to make this happen. Their work paid off and we want to congratulate them,”

Chamber President Rich Schuster.

KLAMATH FALLS, Ore. - The Klamath County Chamber of Commerce congratulates both the Klamath County School District, Klamath Falls City Schools, and their respective boards on their efforts to reopen schools. The Chamber board appreciates the work and advocacy the district and many parents have put into making this happen.

“We know the changing metrics coming down from the State has made it more difficult for our school districts to come up with a plan and we appreciate the district’s continued efforts to make this happen. Their work paid off and we want to congratulate them,” said Chamber President Rich Schuster.

Schuster acknowledged the restrictions and guidelines have required adaptability and patience from the district, the board, and parents. “It’s important that we all listen to each other and look for opportunities that provide the best chance for success for our students. I believe reopening of our schools is a result of this,” Schuster said.

“Our kids are our future workforce and getting them back in school will help position our students to be competitive in their careers,” said Joe Spendolini, the Chamber’s Government Affairs Committee chair. “The school shutdowns obviously affect our children who are our future workforce and entrepreneurs but it also affects our current workplaces as parents try to work and educate their kids at home.”

Spendolini said many in the community have been concerned that our kids may lag behind students in areas where school has returned in a more normal way. Spendolini additionally pointed out how hard it can be to find daycare in Klamath during a regular year but spoke about how these COVID restrictions have made that even more difficult.

“The hard-working people in our community are struggling to balance their businesses, jobs, their careers, their child’s education, and appropriate childcare,” said Spendolini, “Opening up schools helps this situation immensely.”

Klamath County Chamber Director Heather Tramp says, “We know this has been a tough year and it’s required an ability to pivot like never before. I know this has been the case for our school districts and our teachers as they’ve looked for solutions. We want to recognize both the administration but also our educators who have made our students the priority and have strived for providing quality education. Your efforts have not gone unnoticed.”