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Cancer Treatment Center receives $6500 donation

The Klamath Freedom Celebration, in honor of Chris Brown, donates money to help others suffering at the hands of cancer

Sky Lakes Cancer Treatment Center Director Susan Morton, RN, center, accepts a $6,500 donation from Doug Brown, of the Klamath Freedom Celebration. Also pictured left to right: Janet Buckalew, Guy Landis, Kathy Haas, Ryan Wheelock, Sandra O’Toole, Laurie Bray, Mel Haas, and Nicole Middleton. (Submitted photo)

Last Friday (10/25/19) representatives from the Klamath Freedom Celebration presented the Sky Lakes Cancer Treatment Center with a donation totaling $6,500. Funds were raised through a series of events in the Klamath Basin. Friday’s donation brings the cumulative donation total by the Klamath Freedom Celebration to $21,000.

“This has a very personal meaning to me as I lost Chris [my wife] to breast cancer in 2016. Before she passed and as we sat in the Cancer Treatment Center she looked around and said to me, ‘Look at all these people some old some young and all scared. So when I beat this I want to advocate for this Cancer Center’,” said Doug Brown.

“Chris wanted to help empower others in their battle. She saw how it affected everyone including friends and family. Cancer respects no one and can take everyone. Not long after she lost her fight and passed,” continued Brown. “The baton is now in my hands to carry on her wishes and I vow to continue what she wanted to start it is her legacy and my duty.”

The Klamath Freedom Celebration is a family of volunteers that care for each other. “Chris's death to cancer truly broke all of our hearts,” said Brown.

Chris was one of the Klamath Freedom Celebration founders. Members of the organization choose to honor her and her legacy through continued support to the Cancer Treatment Center.

“She was our hero and we all hope we can represent her in our own way with strength and integrity,” exclaimed Brown.

When asked about where the donations will go, Brown said, “We leave that up to Sky Lakes. To date it has been going to the Hugh Currin House which is a residential duplex in the hospital area that accommodates a family's need to stay by the hospital while their relative recovers.”

This season marks the 10th year of the Klamath Freedom Celebration. Brown and his team are already working on the next series of events including the Veterans Day Parade on November 11. Other events organized include local Independence Day festivities and parade, Klamath Freedom Days, Basin Brew & Q, and the Chris Brown Memorial Cancer Ride/Walk/Run.

Brown and his team also give back to Steen Sports Park and help local Veteran Organizations.

The Klamath Freedom Celebration honors the men and women from all active and non-active military, first responders, police, and fire personnel. KFC honors anyone that has served this country, their families, and their community, who share the sacrifice with them. KFC is joined in the fight against cancer through “Chris’s Causes.”