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Brush fire in Midland scorches 60 acres

Wildland firefighters use back burning techniques to protect homes in Midland, Oregon from a wind driven brush fire. July 2, 2022 (Image: Brian Gailey, Klamath Falls News)

Sagebrush goes up in flame on a fire near Midland on July 2, 2022 (Image: Brian Gailey, Klamath Falls News)

KLAMATH FALLS, Ore. - At approximately 2:30 PM on Saturday, July 2, 2022, a fire ignited in Midland, Ore. near a residence on Cross Road. Strong winds quickly fanned the fire to the east, rapidly growing up the hill toward a communications tower. Winds also pushed the flames toward additional homes north of the fire.

Within minutes, fire crews arrived on the scene and began actively fighting the fire. Including crews from Klamath County Fire District 1, Klamath County Fire District 4, Keno Fire, Merrill Fire, Kingsley Field Fire Department, and the Oregon Department of Forestry.

An ODF helicopter was initially called to the fire but had to be grounded for approximately two hours due to lightning in the vicinity.

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Crews created several points of attack. One in each of the western, northern, and eastern sides of the fire. Additional trucks were positioned at the top of the hill near the communications tower.

Crews were able to protect the homes to the north using containment lines just as winds shifted flames toward the east.

An ODF dozer was called to help cut line through tall dry grass, sagebrush, and juniper bush located on the northern and eastern edges of the fire.

After completion of the line, firefighters conducted a back burn on the northern flank to further protect homes.

Early mapping estimates the fire to be about 60 acres. At this time, no structures have been reported lost and no injuries have been reported.

Klamath Falls News was on scene capturing footage and providing updates through our Facebook Page.

Additional photos of fire suppression are located below.

As of the time of this publication, the fire continues to burn near Midland. Firefighters will remain on the scene protecting structures and extinguishing hotspots.

The cause of the fire remains under investigation.

KFN will continue to monitor the situation and update as information becomes available.

A fire truck from Kingsley Field Fire Department uses a front bumper mounted nozzle to spray the western edge of the fire near Midland on July 2, 2022 (Image: Brian Gailey, Klamath Falls News)

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