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Ben Young Fire 35% contained

Morning update for July 24, 2020

Social Distancing at the morning briefing, #BenYoungFire (Image: Inciweb)

Paisley, OR – Good progress was made yesterday to reinforce and secure the fireline.  The fire is now 35% contained and 1,249 acres. The fire continues to threaten the Round Pass Communications Site, the Morgan Butte Fire Lookout, and one residence.   

Resources from multiple agencies are working on the fire, including Oregon Department of Forestry (ODF), U.S. Forest Service and Bureau of Land Management (BLM). 

Effective thinning treatment halted fire spread, #BenYoungFire (Image: Inciweb)

Yesterday’s Activity:
Helicopter bucket drops were used to check hotspots and support ground crews, especially on the northern perimeter of the fire. Dozers were able to better secure the southeastern perimeter.

Today’s Operations:
With heavy fuels still burning inside the fireline, controlling the perimeter and mopping up will be the primary focus for today’s efforts. Ground resources will continue suppressing spot fires with ongoing aircraft support.

Weather and Fire Behavior: 
A drying trend expected through the weekend will bring low relative humidity. Moderate west winds are projected today with gusts between 8-12 mph. No precipitation is forecast through the weekend. Cured grassy areas could provide rapid acceleration of any spot fires, particularly in the lower slopes.

Flames consume pocket of unburned fuels, #BenYoungFire (Image: Inciweb)

The emergency fire closure area was reduced this morning.  The northern boundary has dropped south to Forest Roads 033-122 and 3510-019.  Both roads are now closed between Forest Roads 33 and 3510-018.  Forest Roads 3510-018 off Clover Flat Road, the 3510 Road between the Forest Boundary west to Forest Road 33, and Road 3509 between Forest Road 3510 and the 28 Road remain closed.  The reduction in the closure area reopens recreation sites including Marster Spring Campground, Chewaucan Crossing Campground and Jones Crossing Forest Camp.  Moss Meadow Horse Camp, Moss Pass Trailhead and Campground, and the section of the Fremont National Recreation Trail within the closure area remain closed.  The Closure Order is formally referenced as 06-02-03-20-01-01.

Our highest priority remains the safety of the public and all wildland fire personnel.  Fire operation protocols include best management practices to prevent the transmission of COVID-19 within firefighting crews/operations and within the general public.  Medical staff is available to support firefighters should they be needed.


Source: Northwest Incident Management Team 7, Ben Young Fire


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Ben Young Fire Details

Under Investigation



13 miles south of Paisley, Oregon

Type 2 IMT Northwest Team 7

Grass-shrub fuels with juniper are common on west aspect, transitioning to long needled pine litter near the ridgetop. East aspect fuels near the ridgetop are a combination of long needled litter and with areas of true fir understory.

• 320 Personnel
• 4 Hand Crews
• 3 Helicopters
• 4 Engines
• 1 Dozer
• 2 Water Tenders