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Artwork from Henley students featured on NASA Space Place website

Hanna Anulewicz’s piece, “Mars Rover view of Earth,” was featured by NASA in October.

Ayla DeLonge’s drawing of an underwater scene of the ocean on Europa is featured this month on the Space Place site: https://spaceplace.nasa.gov/

Two Henley Elementary School TAG students have their artwork featured on the NASA Space Place website after their drawings were selected for the program’s monthly Art Challenge.

Sixth-grader Ayla DeLonge and third-grader Hanna Anulewicz submitted their drawings for the contest as part of TAG’s learning enrichment program. 

DeLonge’s drawing of an underwater scene of the ocean on Europa is featured this month on the Space Place site: https://spaceplace.nasa.gov/. Anulewicz’s piece -- Mars Rover view of Earth – was featured in October.

TAG students are studying space this year, said Jeffrey Sparks, the district’s TAG coordinator and teacher, who found the contest and assigned it to students. Because of the pandemic, TAG work is completely online, meant to be enrichment, and at this time optional. Students who participated, with the help of parents, uploaded their art to Space Place for the contest.