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An open letter to the Klamath Basin from the Public Health COVID-19 response team

The following is a press release from Klamath County Public Health.

The following is a letter to the Klamath Basin from the Public Health COVID-19 Response Team.

Dear community members:

March 7 marks the one-year anniversary of Klamath County’s first COVID-19 case, and just as they have in the past year – our thoughts turn to you.

We see you; we hear you; we are here for you.

Everyone has been affected by the pandemic. Our lives have changed, and we believe everyone has done their best, in their own way, to meet the challenges faced. None of us are the same, and not all responses are the same.

We know that the hearts of our friends and neighbors tend to demonstrate compassion and caring in a way that is humbling when times are tough. The challenge has been universal and everyone has tried to understand how to meet the changes, restrictions and requirements in the best possible way.

Each day brings a new twist to this experience. We are proud to serve you, but know that our service is not yet complete. We started this journey together and are curious to see how things will play out in the months to come.

Here are some of the memories from the past year that stand out for us:

  • Middle-schoolers sprinting to the school building when classes resumed in-person.

  • Friends and family members ensuring the ill had access to food and prescription delivery.

  • Calls from community members seeking to help and support wherever possible.

  • Community members making masks for others.

  • Birthday party parades and other creative demonstrations of the value and consideration our community feels toward our friends and neighbors.

Each of us live in this community and take our roles to heart. We know the Klamath experience is built on the individuality that makes us each unique, while coming together to weather the storms we face.

Some of our vulnerable citizens are still staying close to home. Some of our youth are excited to return to the sports they love. All of us know someone who has had the virus and we all have done our best to respect and appreciate efforts made on our behalf.

We are hopeful that the year to come will be a return to some of the activities we’ve missed. However, we know we will never be the same. We’ve seen life and death. We want our friends and neighbors to know that we consider service to you an honor.

The Klamath County Public Health team