Klamath Falls News

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9 Recover from COVID-19 in Klamath County

KLAMATH FALLS, Ore. – Klamath County Public Health (KCPH) officials report another case of COVID-19 in the community, bringing the total to 23. The total includes 14 active cases and nine recoveries. There have been 506 tests given in Klamath County.

Numbers reported by KCPH differ from those of the Oregon Health Authority, because KCPH reports positive test results as soon as they are reported by a laboratory. This provides the most accurate view of the virus within the community.

Many local individuals are beginning to watch the Institute for Health Metrics Evaluation model for Oregon’s COVID-19 experience. It indicates the daily use of resources to meet the COVID-19 crisis will be at its highest point later this month. The model shows resource use tapering off afterward. That projection depends upon continued practices of staying home, social or physical distancing of six feet, disinfecting surfaces, and frequent handwashing.

The model is an important scientific tool, but any change in the environment, such as being less vigilant about any of the practices now in place to slow the spread of COVID-19, changes the date of when the most resources would be used.

For more information and COVID-19 updates, visit publichealth.klamathcounty.org/coronavirus or klamathfallsnews.org/covid19.

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