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Klamath Union DECA wins state title

The following is a student-submitted article by Ameesha Hazarika, Klamath Union DECA officer. Edited by Brian Gailey, KFN Publisher.

KLAMATH FALLS, Ore. - For the 3rd consecutive year, Klamath Union DECA has been honored with the distinction of “DECA Chapter of the Year” at the 2022 Oregon DECA State Career Development Conference (SCDC). In addition to the victory, several members of Klamath Union DECA have now qualified for the DECA International Career Development Conference (ICDC) in Atlanta, Ga in April.

Individually, seventeen Klamath Union DECA Chapter members earned thirty awards. Including two first-place trophies, one second-place trophy, two third-place trophies, ten roleplay medals, four test medals, and eleven top eight medals. [Full award details are below]

“We all worked so hard to be the best and it was amazing to see all of that pay off because not only did I get to walk the stage myself but I got to see so many other members of our chapter up there too,” said Alyse Perez, Klamath Union DECA Officer.

This annual competitive, yet joyous event, sees a number of students who hope to hone their skills and develop leadership qualities while building friendship upon shared aims. When COVID caused even small gatherings to be canceled, the previous SCDCs were made online. The lack of the real ambiance of competition day disappointed a majority of the competitors, however, this year was greater than ever.

Arthur Khamkhosy, Oregon DECA President 2021-22 stated, “This year’s Oregon DECA state conference was the revival of an organization that was deeply hurt by the COVID-19 pandemic. If I could describe the conference in one word, it would be enthusiastic. This was the first time that Oregon DECA members had seen each other in person in two years and still, over 600 members attended the conference.

Khamkhosy adds, “It was incredibly heartwarming to see so many people passionate about DECA and enthusiastic about competing to win DECA glass. I think that this year’s SCDC was the perfect spark that Oregon DECA needed to ignite the passion of so many young students and spearhead the organization into a prosperous recovery.”

“My favorite part of SCDC was finally getting to meet everyone in person and sharing our love for DECA,” said Tanveer Singh, Blanchet Catholic School Oregon DECA President 2022-23.

The two-day event was held on February 14 & 15 in Portland, Ore. at the Holiday Inn Portland - Columbia Riverfront. Both days of SCDC consisted of individual events, team decision events, and research written events. Each of the events had roleplays - a proposed “problem” set to challenge the competitors for a solution. Judges would then listen, as competitors presented their unique ideas as a resolution for the roleplay situation.

The Grand Awards Ceremony is held at the end of the second day to award the top three competitors of each event from the SCDC. Each of the top finishers would then have a guaranteed placement at the 2022 ICDC. Ten Klamath Union DECA members were announced as top finishers and will now represent the State of Oregon at the ICDC in Atlanta.

“When I was a freshman, DECA was something I never wanted to join,” stated Ameesha Hazarika, Klamath Union High School DECA Officer. “I didn’t know anything related to business. But now? Now, I can’t believe I’m going to ICDC.”

KU DECA Results

  • Bell Riley

    • Elected Oregon DECA VP State Officer

    • Hotel Lodging Management - 1st Overall, 3rd Role Play, and 3rd Test

    • Hospitality & Tourism Professional Selling - 1st Overall, 1st Presentation, and 3rd Exam

  • Ava Livingstone

    • Restaurant & Food Service Management - 2nd Overall and 2nd Place Role Play

  • Kat Brown

    • Hotel & Lodging Management - 3rd Place Overall

  • Ameesha Hazarika

    • Quick Serve Restaurant Management - 3rd Overall and 3rd Place Role Play

  • Micah Gaede

    • Food Marketing - 4th Overall and 2nd Place Role Play

    • Marketing Communications - 5th Overall and 2nd Place Role Play

  • Brooke Nelson

    • Business Services Marketing - 4th Overall, 2nd Exam, and 1st Role Play

  • Kate Rodriguez

    • Quick Serve Restaurant Management - 6th Overall

    • Restaurant & Food Service Management - 7th Overall and 2nd Place Roleplay

  • Ben Cedarleaf

    • Food Marketing - 7th Overall and 2nd Place Role Play

  • Alyse Perez

    • Sports & Entertainment Marketing - 7th Overall

  • Connor Carlson

    • Automotive Services Marketing - 7th Overall and 3rd Place role play

  • Brooke Nelson & Alyse Perez

    • Travel & Tourism Team Decision - 6th Overall

  • Kat Brown & Ameesha Hazarika

    • Hospitality Services Team Decision - 6th Overall

  • Abby Cook & Grace Keyser

    • Hospitality Services Team Decision - 7th Overall

  • Fang Li

    • Quick Serve Restaurant Management - 3rd Place role play

  • Chapter Awards

    • Thrive Level DECA Campaigns - Membership, Promotion, Community Service

    • Gold Level - Student Store Certification - Pel Shack

    • 2022 Oregon DECA Chapter of the Year