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No LNG - Opponets of Pacific Connector and Jordan Cove Speak Out

Southern Oregon - As a follow up to the announcement made Friday, September 23, 2017 by Veresen on the filing of an application with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. [Reported here - http://bit.ly/2xoykO6 ]. Those against the pipeline speak out.

The Klamath Tribes recently produced a 21-minute video voicing opposition against the pipeline. The video seen here http://bit.ly/2xppEa3, states, "The pipeline will cross through traditional tribal territories, threatening burial grounds and cultural resources. The Klamath, Yurok, and Karuk Tribes are officially opposed to the LNG pipeline."

The coalition, No LNG. No Pipeline is a banded group of, organizations, landowners, businesses, climate activists, conservationists, and concerned citizens. They have banded together to, according to the website, "keep fracked gas exports out of Oregon."

The No LNG coalition websites states that - "This 233-mile pipeline and fracked gas export project would trample the rights of landowners through use of eminent domain, disturb tribal territories and burial grounds, threaten 400 waterways, put existing jobs in fishing, tourism, and other sectors at risk, drive up energy prices, and create a major new source of climate pollution."

A documentary "36 Inches | Understanding the Jordan Cove Energy Project" shows the impacts to landowners as the pipeline crosses through their property using eminent domain.

"It goes a mile across our land, it cuts our place in half." Stacy, Myrtle Creek, Ore. Stacy continues in the video, "Look how beautiful that is, look at tree behind it, that oak. This is gone, once that pipeline goes in here, none of this will exist anymore."

"There is so many magical, special places, it’s just sacred...it makes me feel very angry, that the government and that these corporations have the right to come in and take our property. That they have the right to destroy our land when we say no." exclaims Stacy.

"Our people are concerned about the Pacific Connector Pipeline and the impacts to the interests we have." says Don Gentry, Chairman of the Klamath Tribes.

Gentry continues, "One of the significant concerns we pointed out from the start is the potential impact on our village sites and associated burial [sites]. Where the proposed route is will go through an area that is long time historical village area for our people. What we know about the area, is that every time there is ground disturbance in the area, whether it is widening of a highway or other activities. Human remains are often exposed."

Gentry adds, "One way I have thought about this is to relate to... Say you have a piece of property and you know there is a cemetery there with unmarked graves. Just the idea of going through that area not knowing where that cemetery is seems like that would be a concern. That maybe folks can relate to."

A few years ago, when the Klamath River bridge on Highway 97 was expanded, numerous human [tribal] remains were found during the construction process. Although these remains were reburied through a ceremonial process with tribal members, elders and cultural heritage department. It was traumatic to the tribe as they feel connected to their ancestors.

Gentry states, "Though it seems like we should feel distant from our ancestors, we're not...It just frankly, adds to the feeling that we're not as important as other projects or other things. When our human remains are disturbed. There is a since of injustice and that's around all of this project [Pacific Connector Pipeline]."

For more information on the opposition of the Jordan Cove / Pacific Connector Pipeline visit:
• No LNG. No Pipeline - http://www.nolngexports.org/
• Klamath Tribes - http://klamathtribes.org/ 
• Klamath Tribes Opposition Video - http://bit.ly/2xpt10N 
• 36 Inches Documentary - http://www.36inchesmovie.com/

*** Klamath Falls News remains neutral to the support or opposition of the Jordan Cove / Pacific Connector Pipeline Project. This article is a follow up to the announcement of Veresen FERC application reported on 9/23/17. ***