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Bonanza School Gym Floor Finished

BONANZA – Bonanza Jr./Sr. High School held its first assembly in its newly renovated gym on Friday morning. Students carefully took minimal steps on the new floor and headed straight to
the bleachers.

“It’s beautiful. It just looks great,” said Brooklyn Cunningham, 17, ASB co-president. “It really helps motivate the students to drive and succeed, especially in sports.”

“I think they’re really nice. Everyone is really excited to have them, especially the community,” said Zoey Johnson, 18, ASB co-president.” Everyone’s been giving a lot of support and trying to bring up more school spirit.”

The assembly – like any high school pep rally – featured the volleyball players, football players and cheer squad, along with congratulating students on outstanding behavior and paying respect to local veterans.

In June a sudden rainstorm flooded the gym along with much of the high school wing and parts of the elementary school wing. Over the summer workers with Modoc Contracting and Premier
Floors fixed and replaced flooring and walls in the high school and elementary. But work on the gym floor continued until this week.

The volleyball team held its first game in the gym this week, along with Friday’s assembly.

Camie Munson, 17, ASB vice president, said she is excited for basketball season.

“I play varsity basketball. Since it’s my senior year, being able to actually play on a brand new floor that looks super nice, it’s really exciting,” she said. “Now we get to show it off to the rest of the world.”

Press release from Klamath County School District