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Due to Rains National Forest Districts Reduce Fire Restrictions

September 18, 2017

EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY: With Arrival of Rainy Weather, Rogue River-Siskiyou National Forest Decreases Campfire Restrictions

As stormy weather brings much-needed rain to all areas across southwestern Oregon, the Rogue River-Siskiyou National Forest is reducing the level of restrictions that apply to campfires across the Forest. Effective immediately, the RRSNF moves to Stage 2 restrictions, Forest-wide.

Campfires: Stage 2 Restrictions allow the building of campfires only in Forest Service-constructed fire rings made of concrete or metal and located in designated recreation sites. Please see the list and maps of recreation sites. The use of propane or liquid fuel-powered commercial stoves is also permitted. 

Smoking: Smoking is allowed only in vehicles, buildings and designated recreation sites, in areas clear of vegetation measuring at least 3 feet in diameter, or aboard watercraft on waterways.

Internal Combustible Engines: Operating an internal combustible engine is only allowed in designated parking area or on a motor vehicle on open Forest roads. Other exemptions include:
• While aboard watercraft, moving or at rest, on waterways.
• The use of generators in designated recreation sites.

Welding and Torches: Welding or the operating of an acetylene torch or other torch with an open flame is prohibited.

With fires still active across the RRSNF, area closures are still effective in various areas, including (but not limited to) the Sky Lakes and Red Buttes Wildernesses, the RRSNF-administered portion of the Rogue-Umpqua Divide Wilderness, and the Prospect OHV Trail System. A list of area closures is available on the RRSNF Fire Information Page.

Visitors to the Forest are encouraged to continue to be cautious with fire while in the woods. Forest officials remind recreationists to never abandon a campfire, always ensuring that an extinguished campfire is cool to the touch.

For more information and to see the full text of the Forest, including a list of designated recreation sites where campfires are permitted, visithttp://www.fs.usda.gov/alerts/rogue-siskiyou/alerts-notices.


Rain Decreases both Public and Industrial Fire Restrictions

The recent rain and cooler temperatures have made it possible to decrease fire restrictions across southwest Oregon. Effective immediately, the fire danger level on ODF Southwest Oregon District protected lands in Jackson and Josephine counties will lower to “moderate” (blue). 

In addition, fire prevention measures for logging, non-logging industrial operations, and all other commercial operations will lessen. Industrial Fire Precaution Level II (two) takes effect today.

These regulations affect 1.8 million acres of state, private, county, city and Bureau of Land Management lands protected by ODF’s Southwest Oregon District. 

As a reminder, public fire restrictions which will remain in effect, include:
• No debris burning, including piles and debris burned in burn barrels.

• No fireworks on forestlands.

• Exploding targets and tracer ammunition, or any bullet with a pyrotechnic charge in its base, are prohibited.

• Campfires are allowed only in designated campgrounds. Portable stoves using liquefied or bottled fuels may be used in other locations.

• Motorized vehicles are allowed only on improved roads; one shovel and one gallon of water, or one 2.5 pound or larger fire extinguisher, is required while traveling.

• Smoking while traveling will only be allowed in enclosed vehicles on improved roads, in boats on the water and other specifically designated locations.

• Chain saws may not be used between 1:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. during moderate fire danger. During hours outside of this time frame, chain saws may be used but require that the operator have one shovel and one 8-oz or larger fire extinguisher at the work site. A fire watch is also required for one hour after each chainsaw use.

• Cutting, grinding, and welding of metal is not allowed between 1:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. during moderate fire danger. These activities will be allowed during hours outside of this time frame only if the work site is cleared of potentially flammable vegetation and other materials, and a water supply is at the job site.

• The mowing of dead or dried grass with power-driven equipment is not allowed between 1:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. during moderate fire danger. This restriction does not include mowing of green lawns, or equipment used for the commercial culture and harvest of agricultural crops.

• Any other spark-emitting internal combustion engine-use not specifically mentioned is not allowed between 1:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. during moderate fire danger. Use of any spark-emitting internal combustion engine is allowed outside of this time frame only if the work site is cleared of potentially flammable vegetation and other materials, and a water supply is at the job site.

• Any electric fence controllers must be approved by a nationally recognized testing laboratory, such as Underwriters Laboratories Inc., or be certified by the Department of Consumer and Business Services, and be installed and used in compliance with the fence controller’s instructions for fire safe operation.

Under IFPL II (Two) – limited shutdown, which is entirely separate from all public fire restrictions, the following may operate after 8 p.m. and up until 1 p.m. daily:

• Power saws, except at loading sites.
• Feller-bunchers with rotary head saws.
• Cable yarding.
• Blasting.
• Welding, cutting, or grinding of metal.

Fire season information is also available online at our Facebook page @ODFSouthwest and our website: www.swofire.com.

South Central Oregon precaution levels lowered to IFPL 2

LAKEVIEW, Ore. – As of Tuesday morning, the South Central Oregon fire danger level will be reduced from extreme to high due to changing weather conditions.

Effective September 19, 2017 at 12:01 a.m. the Fremont-Winema National Forest, Lakeview District BLM and Sheldon-Hart Mountain National Wildlife Refuge Complex have lowered the Industrial Fire Precaution Level (IFPL) to IFPL- 2 and Public Use Restrictions will be rescinded on BLM, Forest Service and National Fish & Wildlife protected lands.

Although fire danger is decreasing, conditions are still dry. Due to these conditions we ask the public to be careful with anything that can throw a spark, careless ignitions have the potential to start new wildfires. Also, make sure campfires are completely out and cold to the touch before leaving while out recreating or hunting.

Information on current Public Use Restrictions and IFPL can be obtained by calling the Lakeview Interagency Fire Center at 541-947-6259 or visiting:http://scofmp.org/index.shtml

For information on specific restrictions in areas under ODF’s fire protection, please visithttp://www.oregon.gov/ODF/Fire/Pages/Restrictions.aspx.

The South Central Oregon Fire Management Partnership is an interagency fire management program that provides comprehensive wildland fire service to south central Oregon and northwest Nevada. The partnership strives to achieve a more efficient, effective and integrated interagency fire management program for all participating agencies on the lands administered and protected by each agency.

Participating agencies include: Fremont-Winema National Forest, Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Lakeview District, Sheldon-Hart Mountain National Wildlife Refuge Complex, Klamath Basin National Wildlife Refuge Complex, Crater Lake National Park and Klamath-Lake District Oregon Department of Forestry (ODF).

For more information, contact Fire Information Officer Sarah Saarloos with the South Central Oregon Fire Management Partnership at 541-219-0515 or ssaarloos@fs.fed.us. Daily wildfire information, maps and social media links can be found at SCOFMP Blog: http://bit.ly/2sK5YH


Fire Information Staff
South Central Oregon Fire Management Partnership

For more prescribed/wildland fire information, maps, and updates:

• Facebook: http://bit.ly/2qsw4C7
• Twitter: http://bit.ly/2q40L0X
• Inciweb: http://bit.ly/2pzTCSv
• SCOFMP Blog: http://bit.ly/2sOBXai
• FLICKR: http://bit.ly/2sGyBJG
• LIFC SITE: http://bit.ly/2s4vprt
• YouTube: http://bit.ly/2t6R1nP