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12th Annual Fall Harvest Tour, October 2

File photo - A custom built combine harvest mint leaves near Newell, California. Mint harvested on this farm is destined for tea in the European Union and for use as mint oil for food flavoring. September 27, 2018 (Brian Gailey)

From a press release:

Klamath Water Users Association (KWUA) announces its 12th annual Fall Harvest Tour on October 2, 2019.  This tour is a valuable opportunity for irrigation community members to see first-hand the impact agriculture has on our local and regional economy. The theme of the tour is “Stewardship and Technology.”  Tour participants will see and hear how new technology is integrated into operations to allow farmers and ranchers to enhance their long-time stewardship of the land and water.

Upper Klamath Basin agriculture (Klamath County and Tulelake) generates $600 million in regional economic activity. Our tour showcases basin agriculture and gives participants a glimpse of the important relationship between agriculture and local business. Each year’s tour provides insight on a variety of functions and processes related to irrigated agriculture including: the history and mechanics of the Klamath Reclamation Project’s infrastructure, issues related to the Basin’s water quality and quantity, the relationship between agriculture and wildlife, and the production of crops such as beef cattle, wheat, potatoes, mint, horseradish, alfalfa, strawberry plants and much more. The emphasis on new technology, at both the farm and regional levels, will provide a perspective not otherwise available.

The Fall Harvest Tour is a full day on a tour bus.  Thanks to our sponsors, there will be no charge for the tour or lunch. There are only 56 seats available on the bus, with one-half the seats already reserved. Don’t miss your opportunity to visit our tour stops. This year’s stops will include Anderson Rose Dam, Baley Trotman Farms with a potato harvest and tour of processing shed/cellar and quality control process, hay production field with pivot line operation, industrial hemp production, Kliewer Cattle Farm, and Skyline Brewery.

Please visit www.kwua.org to reserve your seat today, or call the office at 541-883-6100

Thank you to the following sponsors for supporting the KWUA’s Fall Harvest Tour

  • American Ag Credit

  • Liskey Farms

  • Macy's Flying Service

  • Gold Dust Farms INC

  • Basin Fertilizer Co.

  • Horsley Farms

  • Jordan Cove LNG.

  • Northwest Farm Credit

  • Monty Johnson Insurance

  • MBK Engineers

  • Cal-Ore Produce

  • J.W Kerns, INC

  • Klamath Falls News

  • Frank Anderson

  • PacifiCorp

  • Somach Simmons & Dunn